Department Established year: 2005-06.
BE: 60 seats
ME: Electrical Power System: 18 seats
Total number of laboratories with Names:
- Electrical Machine
- High Voltage Engineering
- Power system Protection
- Power Electronics/ microcontroller/ microprocessor
- Basic electrical engineering/department workshop
- Power system simulation
- Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instrument/industrial instruments
- Analog and digital Electronics
- Control system/ control theory
Department Images
Vision of Department:
To develop the total personality of the individual and high levels of discipline and strive to set global standards, making our students technically superior and ethically strong, who in turn shall contribute to the advancement of society, nation and humankind.
Mission of Department:
- To enable students to develop skills to solve complex technological problems of current times and also provide a framework for promoting collaborative and multidisciplinary activities
- To provide state-of-the-art resources that contribute to achieve excellence in teaching-learning, research and development activities
- To provide suitable forums to enhance the creative talents of students and faculty members
- To bridge the gap between industry and academia by framing curricula and syllabi based on industrial and societal needs.

Message from Head of Department
Welcome to the website of the Department of Electrical Engineering. our Department is providing a balanced curriculum – a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical approach, technical knowledge and complementary studies, with the aim of producing allrounder graduates who can able to face any difficulties in their life. We often review our teaching methodologies and tries to improve it to give best quality. For measuring our performance, feedback from students is collected, analyzed and used for improvements in our teaching methodologies.
we have well qualified and experienced faculty, well maintained classrooms, the labs at the department are well equipped, maintained and regularly modernized with latest equipment and standard software tools. Independent project work by students is highly encouraged. The faculty is motivated to update their knowledge base through regular faculty development programs and research.
Lastly, the Department of Electrical Engineering maintains a positive atmosphere which characterizes the relationships between three axes—the students, the academic staff, and the administrative staff.
Sr. No. | Name of Laboratory | Descriptions | Equipment |
1. | ELECTRICAL MACHINE | 280 sq. mt | AC Motor
3-Φ,440 v,5HP,1440 rpm.Squirrel cage induction motor., DC Shunt Generator 3KW 1440 rpm 230v, KEW make static 3Φ DC power supply, KEW make Lamp Bank of 5KW, 3-Φ Choke Coil Current capacity of 10 amp, 440v, KEW Transformer 1-Φ, 3-Φ,Variac, Cut Model of DC Machine. DC Motor Generator set shunt coupled, DC Shunt Motor coupled with DC Coumpound M/C, DC Series M/C coupled with DC Series M/C, Squirrel Cage Induction Pole Changing Motor, Alternator Coupled With DC Motor, Alternator Control Panel for Parallel Operation and Generator Protection, Auto Synchronous Motor. |
2. | ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT AND MEASURING INSTRUMENT | 140 sq. mt | Regulated phase supply
Kelwin Bridge Potentiometer & Effect of Loading Detector Resistance transducer. Pressure transducer, Thermocouple Maxwell’s traineer kit Hay’s Bridge traineer kit BH curve & Hystersis loop kit, LVDT Trainer Strain Gauge Demo. Trainer Optical Transducer Trainer Anderson Bridge Trainer Shering Bridge Trainer Hall effect Trainer. |
3. | APPLIED ELECTRONICS | 80 sq. mt | Four Trace Oscilloscope
DC Power supply Function Generator Comscope 100677 to 100678 Digital IC Trainer Linear IC Trainer Digital Multimeter Low Pass Filter High Pass Filter |
4. | POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION | 180 sq. mt | Oil Test kit
Current Transformer 10/5 A, 10 VA. CT Testing kit with Standard CT IDMT Overcurrent Relay kit Electromechanical Alstom. 3 Phase Transformer Protection Study Unit Transmission Line Study Unit Feeder Protection Test kit. |
5. | HIGH VOLTAGE | 90 sq. mt | Transformer
Capacitor divider Resistance divider Sphere Gap Assembly Rod Gap Assembly Solid testing Kit Horn Gap Assembly Grounding Rods High Voltage Tester Corona Cage Field Plotter, Impulse Generator, Oscilloscope. |
6. | CIRCUIT & NETWORK | 70 sq. mt | Norton Theorem
Thevenian Theorem Super Position Maximum power transfer Series Resonance Parellel Resonance
7. | COMPUTER CENTER/ MICROPROCESSOR | 100 sq. mt | ET” 8085 Microprocessor trainer kit
“ET” 8086 Microprocessor trainer kit “ET” 8051 Micro Controller “ET” 8-Channel 8-Bit ADC using ADC 0809 “ET” Seven Segment Display “ET” Key Board Interface “ET” Traffic Light ControllerInterface “ET” LED Matrix Display PLC Trainer Kit |
8. | POWER ELECTRONICS | 100 sq. mt | Function Generator
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 555 Timer as Astable Multivibrator 555 Timer as Bistable Multivibrator Multivibrator Tra.Transistorised OP-AMP as Squarewave Generator Forced Commutation circuit trainer SCR Turn on Method full controlled Bridge rectifier 3-Φ Half controlled bridge rectifier 3-Φ Full wave controlled bridge rectifier 1-Φ SCR Series Inverter 1-Φ SCR Parallel Inverter SCR motor controlled with FHP motor Study of UJT & UJT Relaxation Oscill. Current Commutated Chopper Voltage Commutated Chopper |
9. | CONTROL SYSTEM | 70 sq. mt | Open Loop Control system
Closed Loop Control System Basic feedback system Type 0,1,2 Control system Test Signal generator Error Detector Ac synchro transmitter & receiver, DC Position servo system |
- Softwares available
(1) Mi – Power
(2) Matlab
Sr. No | Event Type | Event Title | Expert Name & Affiliation | Departmental Coordinator | Duration | Report |
1 | Expert Talk | Gate drive circuits | Prof Hiren D Patel | Mrs Apurva Tatu & Mrs Sweety Patel | 17/07/2017 | |
Design considerations & aspects of three
Phase induction motors |
Dr. J.G. Jamnani | Mrs Apurva Tatu & Mrs Sweety Patel | 18/07/2017 | |||
Transformers | Mr. Dhruvesh Mehta | Mrs Apurva Tatu & Mrs Sweety Patel | 04/08/2017 | |||
Industrial Applications of Power Electronics | Mr.Maulik Sanghvi
Mrs Apurva Tatu & Mrs Sweety Patel | 18/09/2017 | |||
Analog and Digital Electronics |
Mr. Tejas Maniyar |
Mrs Apurva Tatu & Mrs Sweety Patel | 02/02/2018 | |||
Power Quality and Recent Approach in it | Mr. Hitendrasinh B Vaghela | Mrs Apurva Tatu & Mrs Sweety Patel | 27/03/2018 | |||
Substation Equipment | Mr. Hemantkumar N Raval | Mrs Apurva Tatu & Mrs Sweety Patel | 28/03/2018 | |||
Electrical Machine Design | Mr. Mihir Vasavada | Mrs Apurva Tatu & Mrs Sweety Patel | 29/03/2018 | |||
2 | STTP |
Advance technique for implementation hardware and soft ware in electrical engineering |
Mr. Dishant Shah Emblink System |
Rakesh Sukhadia & Mihirkumar Rathod | 04/12/17
To 08/12/17 |
STTP | Short Term Training Program
Proposed Schedule on ‘Advanced Trend in Renewable energy sources in electrical and electronics engineering’ |
Dr. J. G. Jamnani
Dr. Amit Sant Dr. S. N. Pandya
Mr. Rakesh Sukhadia | 11/06/2018 to 15/06/2018 | ||
3 | FDP | |||||
4 | CERTIFIED COURSES | Advance technique for implementation hardware and software in electrical engineering | Mr. Maulik Sanghavi
Mr. Dishant Shah |
Rakesh Sukhadia & Mihirkumar Rathod | 04/12/17
To 08/12/17 |
CERTIFIED COURSES | Electrical Wireman | Mr. P. M. Detroja | Rakesh Sukhadia & Mihirkumar Rathod | 20/01/2018 to 7/04/2018 | ||
CERTIFIED COURSES | Solar Technician | Dr. Rajan | Rakesh Sukhadia & Mihirkumar Rathod | 25/03/2018 to 30/04/2018 |
Sr. No | Industry Name | Date of Visit | Target Audience | Number of Participants | Report |
1 | Green field Control Pvt. Ltd. | 18/7/17, 19/7/17 | 5th sem, EE | 104 | |
2 | 220 KV Ranasan S/S | 2/8/17, 3/8/17 | 7th sem EE | 104 | |
3 | ERDA, Vadodara
15/12/17,20/12/17 | 7th sem EE | 99 | |
4 | KE Transformers,Vijapur | 21/12/17,22/12/17 | 3rd sem EE | 97 | |
5 | EQDC, Gandhinagar | 5/1/18 | 8th sem EE | 45 | |
6 | Polyphase/Neophase motors | 19/3/18 | 6th Sem EE | 60 |
Sr. No | Name of Faculty | Paper Title | Journal / Conference Name | ISSN | Month/Year |
1 | Dr. Sanjay R. Vyas | Controller Based Transformerless Inverter for Grid Tied PV System With Reactive Power Adjustable | IEEE / EECCMC
conference |
January 2018 | |
2 | Mihirkumar C. Rathod | Controller Based Transformerless Inverter for Grid Tied PV System With Reactive Power Adjustable | IEEE / EECCMC
conference |
January 2018 | |
4 | Mihirkumar C. Rathod | Modelling and Simulation of DFIG based wind farm for constant power control and fault -ride through | IJCRT
2320-2882 | March-2018 |
6 | Mrs Apurva Tatu | Grid Integration of 20 kW Solar Photovoltaic System: A Review | Journal | 2348-6406 | Dec-2017 |
7 | Mrs Apurva Tatu | Solar photovoltaic system integration with grid using NPC inverter | Journal | 2320-2882 | March 2018 |
8 | Mr. Ashish Patel | Design and analysis of Microinverter for PV Grid | IRJET | 2395-0056 | Jan- 2018 |
9 | Mr. Ashish Patel | Integration of D.G. In Micro-Grid | IJCRT | 2320-2882 | March 2018 |
10 | Mr. Ashish Patel | Simulation and Analysis of DPFC for voltage Sag and Swell Mitigation | IJCRT | 2320-2882 | March 2018 |
11 | Mr. Ashish Patel | Micro inverter | IRJET | 2395-0056 | March 2018 |
12 | Mr. Maulik C. Pandya | Operation and review of different methods of Fault Identification in power system | IJAERD | 2348-4470 | Dec-2017 |
13 | Mr. Maulik C. Pandya | Review and Operation of IPFC device for power flow control in power system | IJAERD | 2348-4470 | Dec-2017 |
14 | Mr. Maulik C. Pandya | Coordination of SVC and TCSC in Multimachine Power System for voltage profile improvement | European Journal of Advances in Engg. & Tech. | 2394-658X | Jan-2018 |
15 | Mr. Maulik C. Pandya | Review and Operation of IPFC device for power flow control in power system | IJCRT | 2320-2882 | March 2018 |
16 | Mr. Maulik C. Pandya | Coordinated control of SVC and TCSC for voltage profile improvement employing Particle Swarm Optimization | IEEE/Smart TechCon 2017 | Aug 2017 | |
17 | Mrs. S.R.Christian | Review of Power quality Enhancement in wind energy using STATCOM device | IJTRE | 2347 – 4718 | Dec 17 |
18 | Mrs. S.R.Christian | Review of transformerless UPFC device for power quality enhancement in power system | IJAERD | eISSN: 2348-4470 | Dec 17 |
19 | Mrs. S.R.Christian | Comparison and analysis of UPFC and transformerless UPFC device for power quality enhancement in power system | IJCRT | 2320-2882 | March 18 |
20 | Mrs. S.R.Christian | Simulation and analysis of wind power plant connected with STATCOM for fault analysis | IJCRT | March 18 | |
21 | Mr. Pushpak B Patel | Design and analysis of Microinverter for PV Grid | IRJET | 2395-0056 | Jan- 2018 |
22 | Mr. Pushpak B Patel | Integration of D.G. In Micro-Grid | IJCRT | 2320-2882 | March 2018 |
23 | Mr. Pushpak B Patel | Simulation and Analysis of DPFC for voltage Sag and Swell Mitigation | IJCRT | 2320-2882 | March 2018 |
24 | Mr. Pushpak B Patel | Micro inverter | IRJET | 2395-0056 | March 2018 |
IJTRE | 2347 – 4718 | April-2018 |
2348-6406 | Dec-17 |
28 | Mr. Rakesh Sukhadia | The Impact of Distributed Generation on IEEE bus System. | IJAERD | 2348-6406 | Jan-2018 |
29 | Mr. Rakesh Sukhadia | Review and simulation of Solar-Wind Hybrid System with smart grid integration | IJCRT | 2320-2882 | March 2018 |
30 | Mr. Rakesh Sukhadia | Experimental study of temperature, irradiation and shading effects and improvement in power using bypass diode with two identical PV module connected in series and parallel. | EECCMC-2018 | 978-1-5386-4303-7 | 28th & 29th January 2018. |
31 | Mr. Rakesh Sukhadia | Integration of DG in Microgrid | IJCRT | 2320-2882 | March 2018 |
32 | Mr. Ram Ratan Tiwari | Analysis, design and digital implementation of a shunt active power filter with different schemes of reference current generation | Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET Power Electronics, Volume 7, Issue 3, p. 627-639 (IET Journal) |
Print ISSN: 1755-4535;
Online ISSN: 1755-4543 |
March 2014 |
33 | Mr. Ram Ratan Tiwari | Voltage balancing in solar based DC micro-grid system | IRJET, Vol 4, Issue 1 | e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072 | January 2017 |
34 | Mrs.zalak shah | review on directional protection scheme for HVDC transmission lines based on reactive energy | IJAERD,Vol 4, Issue 12 | e-ISSN:2348-4470,
p-ISSN:2348-6406 |
December 2017 |
Sr. No | Name of Student(s) | Achievement | Event Detail | Mentor Name | Month/Year |
1 | Mulla Moinakhtar | Upgradation of old CNC machine in mechanical lab | Self-define project | MIhirkumar Rathod | Feb-2018 |
2 | Saxena Abhijeet | Appreciation letter given by Principal madam | Poster making in Xenesis-2018 | Jahnavi Gajjar | Feb-2018 |
3 | Mulla Moinakhtar M . (21518SBEEE30131)
Soni Arsh S , (21518SBEEE30125) Patel Mautik S (21518SBEEE30130)
Linear Induction Motor Present in Science Exhibition at Gandhinagar | KadiSarvaVishwavidyalaya
Science & Technology Exhibition
Mr. R. P. Sukhadia | January-2018 |
4 | Dhruvish Mehta (1519BEEE30088)
Parth Patel (1519BEEE30035) Mudaliar Sudhagar (1519BEEE30053)
Hologram Present in Science Exhibition at Gandhinagar
Science & Technology Exhibition
Mr. R. P. Sukhadia | January-2018 |
Sr. No | Name of Faculty | Achievement | Event Detail | Month/Year |
1 | Mihirkumar Rathod | As expert in project fair-2018 at HGCE | Project fair-2018 | april-2018 |
2 | Rakesh P. Sukhadia | As guide in KSV-Science Exhibition at Gandhinagar | KadiSarvaVishwavidyalaya
Science & Technology Exhibition
Gandhinagar 5th, 6th& 7th January 2018 and Kadi 9th& 10th January 2018 |
3 | Patel Jaykumar R. | For Expert Faculty | Basic electrical and electronic engg at Pramukhswami science and h.d patel Arts College(B.voc TGT) kadi. | february 2018 to april 2018 |